January 12, 2015

Is the US the Outlier?

Over the last 5 years its clear the US stock market has outperformed many other countries. Whats driving this stock market expansion and is most of the world slowing down? We can see most commodities are trading at levels not seen since the financial panic of 2009.  It seems amazing to me that the US stock market continues to rise and interest continue to fall.  I believe this is due to the central banks around the world changing the investment landscape causing investors to chase otherwise irrational investments. The charts below speak for themselves, Interest Rates, Commodities, and Hot US Sectors over long term view.
Am I crazy or is 30 year rate at 2.5% insane? 
The Healthcare Sector has been a bigger winner since 2009 bottom.
Coal ETF
Biotech ETF, This sector seems to be rising rather rapidly... 


Steel ETF

Copper at level not seen since 2009


10 year back under 2%

Natural Gas

Oil continues to crash, trading with a 45 handle.

Gold Miner ETF